Find out all about Legacy Dental SA San Antonio which you can visit in San Antonio at 13205 George Rd.
13205 George Rd
Business Type: Clinic
Here you can get the Reviews, Address, Contacts Details and more about Legacy Dental SA.
Contact Person: | Dr. Brian L. Eck |
Business Name: | Legacy Dental SA |
Business Legal Name: | Legacy Dental SA |
Business Type: | NA |
Landline No: | 2107673562 |
Email: | |
Website: | |
Business Type: | Clinic |
Type of Business: | Dental Care Clinics |
Business Name: | Legacy Dental SA |
No of Employees: | 10 |
Establishment Year: | NA |
Address: | 13205 George Rd |
City Name: | San Antonio |
State Name: | Texas |
Country Name: | United States |
Zip Code: | 78230 |
Legacy Dental SA believes in maintaining optimal oral health that lasts a lifetime. Our dentist in San Antonio TX, have been serving patients for over 40 years, ensuring that you achieve a beautiful smile. If you want to enhance the appearance of your smile, then our cosmetic dentist are here to help you! Dental emergencies can happen to anyone at any time. If you're stuck in a dental emergency, then our emergency dentists are always at your service to make sure you get instant relief from your pain. With a gorgeous office and advanced dental solutions, we provide you with nothing but the best! Contact us today and schedule an appointment with our dental professionals today!
Our Services: Dental Implants, Emergency Dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry, Teeth Whitening, Dental Crowns, Periodontal Therapy, Root Canal Therapy, Dental Cleanings and Checkup, Complete & Partial Dentures, Gum Disease Treatment, Preventive Dentistry, Sedation Dentistry, Tooth Extractions, Dental Bonding, Dental Sealants, Children's Dentistry, Tooth-Colored Fillings, Restorative Dentistry, TMJ Therapy, and Sleep Apnea Therapy.
Let's now talk about some of the most frequently asked questions about Legacy Dental SA. These questions are based on need of users.
If you have more questions about the business then let us know.
You can visit the Legacy Dental SA at 13205 George Rd.
You can mail them at
Area pin code for Legacy Dental SA is 78230 .
Founding year of Legacy Dental SA is not available right now. If it will be available in future then you will find that here..
You can visit them at
Here you will find all the useful info about Legacy Dental SA. If you think something is missing then let us know
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