Find out all about Green Acres Family Dentistry Twin Falls Twin Falls which you can visit in Twin Falls at 871 Green Acres Dr, Twin Falls, ID 83301, United States.
871 Green Acres Dr, Twin Falls, ID 83301, United States
Business Type: Clinic
Here you can get the Reviews, Address, Contacts Details and more about Green Acres Family Dentistry Twin Falls.
Contact Person: | Green Acres Family Dentistry |
Business Name: | Green Acres Family Dentistry Twin Falls |
Business Legal Name: | Green Acres Family Dentistry Twin Falls |
Business Type: | NA |
Mobile: | 2089289033 |
Email: | |
Website: | |
Business Type: | Clinic |
Type of Business: | Dental Care Clinics |
Business Name: | Green Acres Family Dentistry Twin Falls |
No of Employees: | 2 |
Establishment Year: | 2008 |
Address: | 871 Green Acres Dr, Twin Falls, ID 83301, United States |
Landmark: | Twin Falls |
City Name: | Twin Falls |
State Name: | Idaho |
Country Name: | United States |
Zip Code: | 83301 |
Green Acres Family Dentistry Twin Falls is your premier dental clinic catering to patients of all ages. Our dentist in Twin Falls, ID, provides comprehensive care in a warm, family-friendly setup. Dr. J. Scott Lyman and Dr. Justin C. Cress elevate your experience through personalized care. From emergency dental care to cosmetic dentistry and adult dental care, we cover everything to safeguard smiles and oral health. Parents seeking kid's dental care can trust us to protect young smiles. We provide dentures and dental implants to replace missing teeth and cosmetic fillings to combat cavities. Our dental crowns and bridges restore damaged teeth and conceal imperfections. Visit our Twin Falls dental office serving 83301 and surrounding areas!
Let's now talk about some of the most frequently asked questions about Green Acres Family Dentistry Twin Falls. These questions are based on need of users.
If you have more questions about the business then let us know.
You can visit the Green Acres Family Dentistry Twin Falls at 871 Green Acres Dr, Twin Falls, ID 83301, United States.
You can contact them on 2089289033.
You can mail them at
Landmark of Green Acres Family Dentistry Twin Falls is Twin Falls.
Area pin code for Green Acres Family Dentistry Twin Falls is 83301 .
It was started in 2008.
You can visit them at
Here you will find all the useful info about Green Acres Family Dentistry Twin Falls. If you think something is missing then let us know
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