How to create an event on

Want to post an event on, but don't know how can you do that, don't worry here I am sharing the process of the event posting in a very easy language.

How to create an event on

To post an event just follow the below steps:

  1. First of all, create your account on
  2. Now you will receive to verify your email, so verify your email by clicking the link.
  3. Now go login page and log in with your account details.
  4. Once you logged in to your account, click on the "Add Event" button, which you will find in the top right corner of the site.
  5. You will find a page, which will ask you to fill in the following details like:
  6. Event's title, page link, description, and then a section to write all about your event, Where you will enter all about your event. 

For more details, you can watch the below video too.

Published by: BizAdda360 Official Updated: Nov 18, 2024, 10:30am
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