Recently created a Web Story and want to test it now, is valid or not, Try our Google Web Story Checker to test your page URL. We are providing you the direct link to test your page URL from Google. Google Web Story is new for some people and they want to test, Is their Web Story is valid or not.
If you are also the one, who is new to Google Web Story then you can try the above Web Story or AMP Page URL Checker.
Here are the most frequently asked questions about Web Story and AMP Page Checker, which may help you. Here are answered the most important questions about AMP Pages, and their advantages and disadvantages.
You may have questions in your mind especially if you are not using the AMP version of your website. AMP version of a webpage is just like another webpage but has less use of third-party libraries and javascript. And you use minimum CSS and all other things to make this webpage light so that it can open faster on mobile.
It is designed for mobile users. If someone finds your webpage on mobile then this light version of the webpage will automatically be suggested by Google to your users.
There are a lot of people who are confused about the AMP version. And don't, is it good to use the AMP version of webpages or not? But don't worry here We will try to answer all those questions too. Here are some of the top advantages of using AMP Webpages.
Here are some top disadvantages that you will see after using the AMP version of a website.