Important info about the event

Here are all the important info about Automotive Logistics & Supply Chain 2023.

Event Category:Conference
Event Type:Technology
Starting Date:Jul 19, 2023 (Wed)
Last Date:Jul 20, 2023 (Thu)
Event Status:Expired
Organized By: Automotive Logistics & Supply Chain 2023 Conference
Venue:Detroit, Michigan, USA
Event Add:Detroit, Michigan, USA
Country:United States
Event link:

Automotive Logistics & Supply Chain 2023

Automotive Logistics & Supply Chain 2023

Market trends for the automotive industry and global supply chains

Understand the key market drivers with an update on volumes of automobiles and auto components and their impact on supply chains from a global perspective.

Explore new technologies to enable smart logistics and warehousing automation

Discover innovative technologies, such as IIoT, blockchain, and big data, in digitalizing the supply chain and warehouse material handling automation to optimize logistics processes.

Leverage E2E visibility of the supply chain for predictive and intelligent responses

Evaluate innovations in managing the supply chain with total transparency, accountability, and contingency planning using end-to-end material traceability through ERP systems.

Advances in data analytics and digital twin for automotive supply chain and logistics

Gain insights into smart supply chain models through digital twin technology for mapping and analyzing operational performance and on-time delivery.

Innovations in freight network management and reducing transportation costs

Deliver reliable and scalable transportation methods using outsourcing strategies such as 3PL to optimize freight management with the right combination of air, land, and sea routes.

End-user case studies on specification requirements for reliable delivery

Hear manufacturers discuss their transportation requirements and implement strategies peers in the industry use to manage delivery constraints.

FAQs about Event

Let's now talk about some of the most frequently asked questions about Event. These questions are based on need of users.

FAQs about Event

What is the starting date of the event?

Event will start from Jul 19, 2023.

What is the last date of the event?

Event will end on Jul 20, 2023.

What is the address of the event?

Detroit, Michigan, USA.

What is the event website?

You can check out more info about the event at

Event organizing country?

United States.

State Name of the event organizer?


City Name of the event organizer?


What is the area pin code of the event?

Area pin code for the event is 48127 .

Here you will find all the useful info about . If you think something is missing then let us know

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Published by: Digital Marketing Updated: Mar 07, 2024, 10:13am
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