Custom Google Search BizAdda360- Search Custom No. of Results in Google Search and Save Your Time

Here is the most simplified way to research any topic on Google using Custom Google Search BizAdda360. If you want to research any topic, this tool can help you a lot in that.

How to use Custom Google Search by Biz Adda 360?

It is designed and developed to a way that whatever you search in it, you will get the results in Google.

Here are some of the short key that you can try to research on anything:

Operator Function Example
"exact phrase" Search for an exact phrase. "digital marketing strategies"
-keyword Exclude a specific keyword. apple -fruit
OR or | Search for pages containing either term. marketing OR advertising
AND Search for pages containing both terms. SEO AND content marketing
* Use as a wildcard for unknown words. "best * for small business"
intitle:keyword Find pages with the keyword in the title. intitle:Python tutorial
allintitle:keyword1 keyword2 Ensure all specified keywords are in the title. allintitle:Python Flask
inurl:keyword Search for pages with the keyword in the URL. inurl:real-estate
allinurl:keyword1 keyword2 Ensure all specified keywords appear in the URL. allinurl:real estate properties Search within a specific site or domain.
filetype:extension Find files of a specific type. filetype:pdf Python tutorial Find sites similar to a specific domain. View Google’s cached version of a page. Find pages that link to a specific domain.
intext:keyword Search for pages with the keyword in the content. intext:"real estate trends"
allintext:keyword1 keyword2 Ensure all keywords are in the text. allintext:machine learning tutorial
define:word Find the definition of a word. define:blockchain
AROUND(X) Find terms within a certain number of words apart. machine AROUND(3) learning
before:YYYY-MM-DD Search for content published before a specific date. artificial intelligence before:2022-01-01
after:YYYY-MM-DD Search for content published after a specific date. web development after:2023-01-01
$ or ₹ Find prices of items. iPhone $500 or Laptop ₹40000
# (Hashtag) Search for hashtags. #marketing
weather location Find the weather for a specific location. weather New York
stocks:company Get stock information for a company. stocks:GOOGL
map location Quickly find maps. map Noida
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