Here is the most simplified way to research any topic on Google using Custom Google Search BizAdda360. If you want to research any topic, this tool can help you a lot in that.
It is designed and developed to a way that whatever you search in it, you will get the results in Google.
Here are some of the short key that you can try to research on anything:
Operator | Function | Example |
"exact phrase" | Search for an exact phrase. | "digital marketing strategies" |
-keyword | Exclude a specific keyword. | apple -fruit |
OR or | | Search for pages containing either term. | marketing OR advertising |
AND | Search for pages containing both terms. | SEO AND content marketing |
* | Use as a wildcard for unknown words. | "best * for small business" |
intitle:keyword | Find pages with the keyword in the title. | intitle:Python tutorial |
allintitle:keyword1 keyword2 | Ensure all specified keywords are in the title. | allintitle:Python Flask |
inurl:keyword | Search for pages with the keyword in the URL. | inurl:real-estate |
allinurl:keyword1 keyword2 | Ensure all specified keywords appear in the URL. | allinurl:real estate properties | | Search within a specific site or domain. | |
filetype:extension | Find files of a specific type. | filetype:pdf Python tutorial | | Find sites similar to a specific domain. | | | View Google’s cached version of a page. | | | Find pages that link to a specific domain. | |
intext:keyword | Search for pages with the keyword in the content. | intext:"real estate trends" |
allintext:keyword1 keyword2 | Ensure all keywords are in the text. | allintext:machine learning tutorial |
define:word | Find the definition of a word. | define:blockchain |
AROUND(X) | Find terms within a certain number of words apart. | machine AROUND(3) learning |
before:YYYY-MM-DD | Search for content published before a specific date. | artificial intelligence before:2022-01-01 |
after:YYYY-MM-DD | Search for content published after a specific date. | web development after:2023-01-01 |
$ or ₹ | Find prices of items. | iPhone $500 or Laptop ₹40000 |
# (Hashtag) | Search for hashtags. | #marketing |
weather location | Find the weather for a specific location. | weather New York |
stocks:company | Get stock information for a company. | stocks:GOOGL |
map location | Quickly find maps. | map Noida |