In a sudden and unexpected turn of events, Joe Jonas, the 34-year-old singer, has officially filed for divorce from his wife, actress Sophie Turner, aged 27, after four years of marriage. The dissolution of marriage was formally lodged in Miami, Florida, citing the reason that "the marriage between the parties is irretrievably broken." Notably, both parties have a prenuptial agreement in place, as stated in the divorce filing.
The couple's relationship began in 2016 when they started dating, followed by their engagement in 2017. They celebrated their union with a Las Vegas wedding ceremony in May 2019, followed by a more elaborate ceremony in France a month later.
The couple have two daughters, Willa, aged 3, and a second daughter, whose age is specified as 14 months in the divorce documents.
Sources close to the couple have revealed that their decision to part ways comes after facing "serious problems" over the past six months. Intriguingly, Joe Jonas has been the primary caregiver for their children for the majority of the last three months, which raises questions about the impending custody arrangements.
Representatives for both Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner have not yet provided official comments regarding the divorce filing. Given their seemingly happy relationship and public appearances, this unexpected development has captured the attention of fans and media alike.
The couple's journey from a chance Instagram message to a whirlwind romance, a secret Vegas wedding, and a grand ceremony in France had previously been celebrated by their fans. However, this latest development marks a significant and unforeseen chapter in their relationship.