10 things said by losers | Top 10 things said by losers only

Here we are sharing top 10 things which only said by losers. In life what you will get and what not, Is decided by your own mindset. If you said the following things to your self stop it soon.

10 things said by losers | Top 10 things said by losers only
10 things said by losers | Top 10 things said by losers only

1. I will start Monday.

I will start Monday. This is the most used phrase by losers. Every second person who love to procrastinate they use this line the most.

2. It’s not my fault.

It's not my Fault. Most of the losers don't take responsibility if something went wrong. They look someone whom, They can show as victim for their failure.

3. I can’t do it.

I can't do it. Some people don't have even the self confidence on what they are doing. They believe that it can not be done by them.

4. It’s not fair.

It's not fair. They blame the surroundings but don't look at themselves. 

5. I don’t have time.

I don't have time. It is also the most used phrase which you must have heard by many people.

6. I’m offended.

I'm offended. When someone don't go as per their expectation they start crying that he hurt/she hurt me.

7. You suck.

You suck.

8. She / He got lucky.

She / She got lucky.

9. I’m too tired.

I am too tired.

10. Easy for you to say.

Easy for you to say.

Published by: Lucky Singh Updated: Sep 23, 2024, 10:57am
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