Startup Lessons from Porush Jain (founder of

Porush Jain is known for his startup, which gets more than 60M monthly traffic on its website only. Porush recently shared the startup lessons that he learned through his startup journey, which I also liked, so I am sharing them with you too.

Startup Lessons from Porush Jain

Porush Jain quoted on LinkedIn "What have I learned in my startup journey?"

1) Hiring someone is like a marriage. Don't take it lightly. Put in as much effort as possible. Ref check is a must.
2) Focus on bigger things.
3) Break a problem into as many small problems as possible. Then attack each small problem 1 by 1.
4) Doing too many things at once is not a sign of your proficiency, it probably means you are confused and lack direction.
5) Learn to say no. By being nice you are wasting your's and his time equally.
6) Don't do the work of your subordinate. You might do it better in the short termbut ..a) You are not helping your subordinate grow. People love it when they learn something new.b) He won't be able to do the same when you are not there.c) He won't be able to teach the same to others.d) You might be a bottleneck for growth in your own company.

These are the most useful startup lesson that anybody, who is in a startup or want to start his own learned by spending thousands of days and nights. You are getting all it an easy way. Let's apply them in our startup life too.


Published by: BizAdda360 Official Updated: Feb 08, 2025, 10:18am
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