Important info about the event

Here are all the important info about FOOD EXPO Athens 2022: Date & Time, Location, Organizer details.

Event Category:Expo
Event Type:Food and Beverages
Last Date:Mar 20, 2023 (Mon)
Event Status:Expired

FOOD EXPO Athens 2022: Date & Time, Location, Organizer details

FOOD EXPO Athens 2022: FOOD EXPO is an occasion that outlines an enormous determination of items like food industrial facilities, butchers and fishmongers, wine bars, alcohol stores - espresso crushing shops - sweet shops, and so forth.


There will be more booked b2b gatherings than any past time, among exhibitors and unfamiliar facilitated purchasers. Huge number of wine exchange guests will likewise have the chance to get to know the wines and spirits. Come, taste, smell and experience what's moving in the food area this year at the main F&B career expo in S.E Europe.

Date & Time:

Date- 18 - 20 Mar 2023

Time-  09:00 AM-06:00 PM (expected)


Avenue-  Athens Metropolitan Expo S.A.

Athens International Airport "El. Venizelos", 19019, Spata Loutsa 190 04 Greece

Entry Fees:

 Free & Paid Ticket 

Category & Type:

Trade Show | Food & Beverages

Organizer details:

Forum S.A. Greece

FAQs about Event

Let's now talk about some of the most frequently asked questions about Event. These questions are based on need of users.

FAQs about Event

What is the starting date of the event?

Event will start from Nov 30, -0001.

What is the last date of the event?

Event will end on Mar 20, 2023.

Event organizing country?


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Published by: Global News Land Updated: Dec 14, 2023, 10:32am
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