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Here are all the important info about WOW! The Wings of Women by Cosmo Arts.

Event Category:Exhibition
Event Type:Arts and Crafts
Last Date:Sep 05, 2022 (Mon)
Event Status:Expired

WOW! The Wings of Women by Cosmo Arts

WOW! The Wings of Women by Cosmo Arts

WOW! The Wings of Women

"Like a butterfly, one should embrace all life's transitions cheerfully, accept change, overcome difficulties, and then blossom fearless and magnificent to achieve the summit."

Dr Meenu Kumar, the founder of the Cosmo Arts India Gallery, has stepped forward to organise an "Art Display" to embrace modern women as she believes that women should move forward and accomplish things that would enable them to develop & prosper in life.

The title of the exhibition is "WOW - Wings of Women", igniting the potential within each and every woman. The exhibition will include sculptures, art installations, and paintings by Dr Meenu that are cantered on the theme of women's empowerment and encourage women to spread their wings out of their shells.

FAQs about Event

Let's now talk about some of the most frequently asked questions about Event. These questions are based on need of users.

FAQs about Event

What is the starting date of the event?

Event will start from Nov 30, -0001.

What is the last date of the event?

Event will end on Sep 05, 2022.

Event organizing country?


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Published by: Dr. Meenu Kumar Updated: Feb 26, 2024, 10:24am
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