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Packerbuddy, Hisar, Haryana, India

Find all the details about Packerbuddy, Hisar, Haryana, India Like Reviews, Address, Contact Details & more

Packerbuddy, Hisar

Address: Office No.: 119, DHANI PIRAN, Hansi Rural, Hansi, Hisar, Haryana

Business Type: Services

Packerbuddy contact details

Here you can get the Reviews, Address, Contacts Details and more about Packerbuddy.

Contact Person: Packerbuddy
Business Name: Packerbuddy(haryana,hisar)
Business Legal Name: Packerbuddy
Business Type: NA
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Important details about Packerbuddy, Hisar, Haryana, India

Business Type: Services
Type of Business: Import and Export Service Providers
Business Name: Packerbuddy(haryana,hisar)
No of Employees: 20
Establishment Year: 2020
Address: Address: Office No.: 119, DHANI PIRAN, Hansi Rural, Hansi, Hisar, Haryana
Landmark: Address: Office No.: 119, DHANI PIRAN, Hansi Rural, Hansi, Hisar, Haryana
City Name: Hisar
State Name: Haryana
Country Name: India
Zip Code: 125033

About Packerbuddy

Moving may be a difficult chore, especially when it comes to packing, loading, and properly transferring your goods. Packerbuddy is your one-stop platform for all your moving and packing requirements. Due to our extensive industry knowledge and understanding of the difficulties associated with packing and moving, our experienced team works hard to lay down the finest experience possible for you. Your relocation will be stress- and hassle-free thanks to our team of professional packers and movers. Our expansive list of moving solutions includes local and long-distance relocation, residential and business moving, vehicle and bike transportation, and storage options. You can unwind while we handle all of your moving needs when you use Packer Buddy.

Haryana Regional Office

Packrebuddy pvt.Ltd

Address: Office no: 119 DHANI PIRAN Hansi Rural,Hisar,Haryana

PinCode: 125033

City: Hisar


FAQs about Packerbuddy

Let's now talk about some of the most frequently asked questions about Packerbuddy. These questions are based on need of users.

If you have more questions about the business then let us know.

FAQs about Packerbuddy

What is the address of Packerbuddy?

You can visit the Packerbuddy at Address: Office No.: 119, DHANI PIRAN, Hansi Rural, Hansi, Hisar, Haryana.

What is the email of Packerbuddy?

You can mail them at

What is the near by place to Packerbuddy?

Landmark of Packerbuddy is Address: Office No.: 119, DHANI PIRAN, Hansi Rural, Hansi, Hisar, Haryana.

What is the area pin code of Packerbuddy?

Area pin code for Packerbuddy is 125033 .

When was Packerbuddy started?

It was started in 2020.

Here you will find all the useful info about Packerbuddy. If you think something is missing then let us know

Disclaimer: Most of the businesses are self-listed by users, and their physical addresses are not verified by our team, so before using any service, must cross-verify the business details. It is your responsibility to verify the user or listed company details.

Published by: Packer Buddy Updated: Sep 12, 2024, 11:11am

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