101 Inspiring and motivational quotes by Demi Moore

101 Inspiring and motivational quotes by Demi Moore: Looking for some great quotes from Demi Moore that can inspire you, but not getting what you are looking for, don't worry here I am going to share the top 101 quotes from Demi Moore with images.

Inspiring and motivational quotes by Demi Moore
Inspiring and motivational quotes by Demi Moore

1. We all suffer ~ Demi Moore

We all suffer ~ Demi Moore
We all suffer ~ Demi Moore

 “We all suffer, and we all triumph, and we all get to choose how we hold both.” ~ Demi Moore

2. People can only be as good as they are ~ Demi Moore

People can only be as good as they are ~ Demi Moore
People can only be as good as they are ~ Demi Moore

 “People can only be as good as they are, no matter how much they love you.” ~ Demi Moore

3. When you feel sexy or sensuous ~ Demi Moore

When you feel sexy or sensuous ~ Demi Moore
When you feel sexy or sensuous ~ Demi Moore

"When you feel sexy or sensuous, you naturally want to open up and give, and I think that comes from being able to receive love and desire." ~ Demi Moore

4. I always try to keep a positive perspective ~Demi Moore

I always try to keep a positive perspective ~Demi Moore
I always try to keep a positive perspective ~Demi Moore

"I always try to keep a positive perspective on what's valuable and the importance of restricting that immediate gratification and, most importantly, that who you are isn't the stuff you have." ~ Demi Moore

5. I don't like to take my clothes off ~ Demi Moore

I don't like to take my clothes off ~ Demi Moore
I don't like to take my clothes off ~ Demi Moore

"I don't like to take my clothes off." ~ Demi Moore

6. Don't let your wounds make you ~ Demi Moore

 “Don't let your wounds make you become someone you're not.” ~ Demi Moore

7. Some of my lowest points were the most exciting

 "Some of my lowest points were the most exciting opportunities to push through to be a better person."  ~ Demi Moore

8. Look, when people came after me

"Look, when people came after me for doing 'Indecent Proposal' or 'Disclosure,' I thought, 'Ridiculous.' These people are trying to limit me as an actor. Are they saying I can't play these roles? Well, I've proved I can." ~ Demi Moore

9. For the moment I prefer

"For the moment I prefer to be a beautiful woman of my age than try desperately to look 30." ~ Demi Moore

10. Real men don't buy girls-they protect them

 “Real men don't buy girls-they protect them. We're recruiting real men who have the courage to stand up against this issue.”~ Demi Moore

11. You don't come into this life

"You don't come into this life wanting to be anything other than happy." ~ Demi Moore

12. I said I would get better with each baby

"I said I would get better with each baby, and I have." ~ Demi Moore

13. I want to play many different characters

"I want to play many different characters."~ Demi Moore

14. You have to acknowledge a problem exists

"You have to acknowledge a problem exists before you can actually go about finding a solution." ~ Demi Moore

15. I yelled “No!” because

 “I yelled “No!” because I knew what would come next: the ambulance, then the paparazzi, then TMZ announcing, “Demi Moore, rushed to the hospital on drugs!” And all of that happened, just like I knew it would. But something else happened that I didn’t expect. I decided to sit still—after a life of running—and face myself. I’d done a lot in fifty years, but I don’t know that I’d really experienced a lot, because I spent most of that time not quite there, afraid to be in myself, convinced I didn’t deserve the good and frantically trying to fix the bad”  ~ Demi Moore

16. I still remember the first time

 “I still remember the first time I saw steam billowing up from a manhole in Manhattan—it was like there was an underworld of fire just below the city’s surface, burning night and day.”  ~ Demi Moore

17. From them, I learned that love was something you had to scramble to keep

 “From them, I learned that love was something you had to scramble to keep. It could be revoked at any minute, for reasons that you couldn’t understand, that you couldn’t control. The kind of love I grew up with was scary to need, and painful to feel. If I didn’t have that uneasy ache, that prickly anxiety around someone, how would I know it was love?”  ~ Demi Moore

18. How does it feel to be whored by your mother

 “How does it feel to be whored by your mother for five hundred dollars?” It feels like you are an orphan.”  ~ Demi Moore

19 When you are afflicted with a disease

 “When you are afflicted with a disease, you can’t just decide not to have it, no matter how miserable it’s making you.”  ~ Demi Moore

20. Emilio Estevez was definitely my first love

"Emilio Estevez was definitely my first love."~ Demi Moore

21. In Hollywood at that time

 “In Hollywood at that time - and, unfortunately, still - for some reason a man is worth almost double what a woman is.”  ~ Demi Moore

22. Part of the point of monogamy is the energy

 “Part of the point of monogamy is the energy of somebody making the sacrifice or the choice for you, and that you thereby hold this special place that no one else can have. As soon as another person is brought in you are no longer being held in that sacred spot.” ~ Demi Moore

23. The truth is you can have a great marriage

"The truth is you can have a great marriage, but there are still no guarantees." ~ Demi Moore

24. I wish I’d been taught

 “I wish I’d been taught - by someone, somewhere - about my body, what was possible in a sexual relationship, how to consider my own desires instead of seeing sex as degrading or something I owed someone.” ~ Demi Moore

25. When one person is enslaved

"When one person is enslaved, we're all enslaved." ~ Demi Moore

26. Then I drove back to Carolyn’s house

 “Then I drove back to Carolyn’s house, where Ginny had stopped breathing in her hospital bed, and I took a few minutes alone with her, holding her hand. I didn’t cry then, and I didn’t cry when I went into the little bathroom off her room and closed the door. I had a rush of clarity as I stood absolutely still. All of the emotions that I felt toward Ginny—my anger, my pain, my hurt—were mine. The vessel for them was gone now. Whatever her issues were, and God knows there were plenty, she’d taken them with her. It was a liberating moment. I was flooded with compassion for the pain she had held all her life and had no way to work through or overcome. I felt sad for this wounded child who had never developed beyond the emotional level of a teenager. That understanding freed me to start to be more forgiving toward myself, and to quit working so hard not to be my mother.” ~ Demi Moore

27. Know that sounds like the perfect life

 “know that sounds like the perfect life. But as I would soon find out, if you carry a well of shame and unresolved trauma inside of you, no amount of money, no measure of success or celebrity, can fill it.” ~ Demi Moore

28. I want things to be the best they can be

"I want things to be the best they can be. I want greatness." ~ Demi Moore

29. What I admired most about A Few Good Men

 “What I admired most about A Few Good Men was the originality Aaron Sorkin and Rob Reiner showed by not having my character and Tom’s get involved in anything romantic, or even unprofessional. There was an expectation at that time on the part of studios and audiences that if an attractive woman showed up on film, it was only a matter of time before you saw her in bed with the leading man, or at least half naked. But Rob and Aaron had the nerve to buck that convention: they thought this story was about something else, and they were right. Years later Aaron told a film school class: “The whole idea of the movie was that these young lawyers were in way over their heads and two Marines were on trial for their lives, so if Tom Cruise and Demi Moore take time out to roll in the hay, I just didn’t think we would like them as much for doing that.” Sorkin said he wrote to an exec who had been lobbying hard for a sex scene. “I’ll never forget what the executive wrote back, which was, ‘Well if Tom and Demi aren’t going to sleep together why is Demi a woman?’ and that completely stumped me.” I loved that my character didn’t rely on her sex appeal, which was certainly something I hadn’t encountered very often in my roles. They presented a woman who was valuable to her colleagues—and to the story itself—because of her competence.”  ~ Demi Moore

30. I used to think that what scared me

"I used to think that what scared me was the idea of being abandoned until someone said to me, 'Only children can be abandoned. Adults can't be abandoned because we have a choice. Children don't have a choice.'"  ~ Demi Moore

31. UNLIKE WHAT PEOPLE imagine about addicts

 “UNLIKE WHAT PEOPLE imagine about addicts—that you have one drink and everything comes crashing down—in my case it was a gradual downward spiral.”  ~ Demi Moore

32. Taking responsibility

 “Taking responsibility for your own reaction is the gateway to freedom.” ~ Demi Moore

33. Talk about meeting your soul mate

"Talk about meeting your soul mate ... I truly feel I have been given that gift. And believe me, I wasn't some lightweight package. I'm, like, the package that didn't just come with luggage - I had trunks." ~ Demi Moore

34. At its core Twitter is about sharing

"At its core Twitter is about sharing, and I think that in life we never feel better or more energized than when we're giving to someone else." ~ Demi Moore

35. When I hear about people

 “When I hear about people who’ve had the same friends since kindergarten, I can’t imagine what that must be like.” ~ Demi Moore

36. There's nothing wrong with having a desire

"There's nothing wrong with having a desire to want nice things. It's when we place that as a measure of the value of ourselves that it goes askew." ~ Demi Moore

37. I got here because I chose men

 “I got here because I chose men with the same qualities as my dad and my granddad, and I turned myself inside out trying to please them.”  ~ Demi Moore

38. I have since come to understand

 “I have since come to understand that there is no such thing as someone “loving you enough” to be better. People can only be as good as they are, no matter how much they love you.” ~ Demi Moore

39. While you're pregnant

"While you're pregnant you're made to feel not beautiful or sexually viable. You're either sexy, or you're a mother. I didn't want to have to choose, so I challenged that." ~ Demi Moore

40. Models, even male models

"Models, even male models - how small they've gotten! It looks great for the clothes, but it's not what you want in real life." ~ Demi Moore

41. Certainly I'm passionate

"Certainly I'm passionate and driven and quite relentless when I want something." ~ Demi Moore

42. There's this idea

"There's this idea that if you take your clothes off, somehow you must have loose morals." ~ Demi Moore

43. I'm intensely private

"I'm intensely private, and I've openly shown annoyance at the paparazzi." ~ Demi Moore

44. In a way, I feel that film roles

"In a way, I feel that film roles haven't given me the opportunity to show I have a sense of humor." ~ Demi Moore

45. While I don't think that Twitter

"While I don't think that Twitter is really an appropriate place for someone who seriously needs help, it shows the impact that we can have when we collectively come together to support someone." ~ Demi Moore

46. I entered this career

"I entered this career having no background or connection to acting." ~ Demi Moore

47. I truly believe you can't buy your way into genuine love

"I truly believe you can't buy your way into genuine love. You can surely buy companionship, but I don't think [love] has a price tag on it." ~ Demi Moore

48. I think that laughter and smiling are some

"I think that laughter and smiling are some of the best antidotes to ageing that you could possibly have. In general, I pretty much think of myself as still being about 5." ~ Demi Moore

49. I'm an incurable optimist

"I'm an incurable optimist and a go-getter - it's in my nature to focus much more on what makes me happy than what makes me nervous." ~ Demi Moore

50. Despite what anti-aging ads say

"Despite what anti-aging ads say, growing older can be better. I feel better in my skin, 100 percent. You have greater effects of gravity, but the better sense of yourself you have is something I wouldn't trade. Women who lie about their age - 'why?'" ~ Demi Moore

51. It takes a lot to motivate me to exercise

"It takes a lot to motivate me to exercise but Physique 57 is the ideal workout, it's efficient, fun and targeted to get the results you didn't think were possible!" ~ Demi Moore

52. I would say what scares me

"I would say what scares me is that I'm going to ultimately find out at the end of my life that I'm really not lovable, that I'm not worthy of being loved. That there's something fundamentally wrong with me." ~ Demi Moore

53. Life isn't always easy, but it's simple

"Life isn't always easy, but it's simple." ~ Demi Moore

54. The things two people do to each other they remember

"The things two people do to each other they remember. If they stay together, it's not because they forget; it's because they forgive." ~ Demi Moore

55. Unfortunately, even as we try to submerge our pain deep down inside

 “Unfortunately, even as we try to submerge our pain deep down inside, it finds a way to bubble up: Through addiction. Through anxiety. Through eating disorders. Through insomnia. Through all the different PTSD symptoms and self-destructive behaviors that assault survivors experience for years on end. These incidents may last minutes or hours, but their impact lasts a lifetime.” ~ Demi Moore

56. I don't read reviews

"I don't read reviews, and I don't include the press as part of my priorities or as part of the world that has any validity to what's really important to me." ~ Demi Moore

57. In the end the only thing that you can have

"In the end the only thing that you can have on your side is time. The only way to gain time is by living it. And if I live expending my energy worrying about other people's perceptions, then I'm missing my moment." ~ Demi Moore

58. The scalpel won't make you happy

"The scalpel won't make you happy." ~ Demi Moore

59. People - whatever their race

"People - whatever their race, religion, sexual preference - deserve to be treated as human beings." ~ Demi Moore

60. They divorce and years later the dad mellow as men

“They divorce and years later the dad mellow as men tend to when they get older. You know the kind. They're assholes when their young then they get sweet when they age. It's the mother who seems bitter and unpleasant by comparison but, he's the one who made her.”  ~ Demi Moore

61. I'm a big believer

"I'm a big believer in that if you focus on good skin care, you really won't need a lot of makeup." ~ Demi Moore

62. With Twitter people oddly feel accountable

"With Twitter people oddly feel accountable for what they write. When someone is unkind, the community rallies like you wouldn't believe to shut it down." ~ Demi Moore

63. I'm too grateful that I continue to grow as an actor

"I'm too grateful that I continue to grow as an actor. I hope I get better. I feel like I am. But it's a roll of the dice every time you make a movie. Nobody knows." ~ Demi Moore

64. I don't know if I personally instill a fear in people

"I don't know if I personally instill a fear in people, but I think that there are things that I have been involved in that perhaps stir up their own personal fears." ~ Demi Moore

65. I feel like I have the fortune of privilege

"I feel like I have the fortune of privilege, particularly as it relates to my children." ~ Demi Moore

66. I think we treat the people

 “I think we treat the people we love the way we believe, in our deepest hearts, that we deserve to be treated ourselves.” ~ Demi Moore

67. It's about time that people forget

"It's about time that people forget that image of strip clubs as seedy places...Rather, today's clubs are capital-intensive female-empowerment zones." ~ Demi Moore

68. Unwillingness to risk failure is always there

"Unwillingness to risk failure is always there, but it gets harder when you feel you have more to lose." ~ Demi Moore

69. I belong. Here. In myself

 “I belong. Here. In myself. In this house. On this planet. I'm in my mid-50s now, I've outlived both of my parents, I know that what I walked through was a lot, especially coming from where I came from. The truth is, the only way out is in.” ~ Demi Moore

70. I've never been one of those people

"I've never been one of those people who has an extremely high level of crisis. I just don't need all that emotional drama." ~ Demi Moore

71. I like to connect to people

"I like to connect to people in the virtual world, exchanging thoughts and ideas, when in the physical world we might never have the opportunity to cross paths." ~ Demi Moore

72. I have a passion for my work

"I have a passion for my work, and that sometimes triggers creative conflicts." ~ Demi Moore

73. Ashton jumped in

"Ashton jumped in and said, 'I want you to know that I don't take coming into childrens lives lightly'. That was within the first couple of weeks of our relationship, before he had met the girls. they are my priority and I've always be sensitive to their feelings, but as the parent you can't allow your children to dictate what's right for you."~ Demi Moore

74. Things happen in life to get our attention

 “Things happen in life to get our attention, to make us wake up. What does it say that I had to lose so much before I had to break down enough to rebuild? I think it says that the thing that got me here—this incredible toughness—was almost the thing that did me in. I got to a place where I could no longer just muscle through; I could either bend, or break.  I got here because I needed all of this to become who I am now. I had been holding on to so many misconceptions about myself all my life: that I wasn't valuable, that I didn't deserve to be anywhere good, whether that meant in a loving relationship on my own terms, or in a great film with actors I respected who knew what they were doing. The narrative I believed was that I was unworthy and contaminated. And it wasn't true.  There are two reasons I wanted to tell this story, the story of how I learned to surrender. First, because it's mine. It doesn't belong to the tabloids, or my mom, or the men I've married, or the people who've loved or hated my movies, or even my children. My story is mine alone. I'm the only one who was there for all of it, and I decided to claim the power to tell it on my own terms. The second reason is that even though it's mine, maybe some part of this story is yours too. I've had extraordinary luck in this life, both bad and good. Putting it all down in writing makes me realize how crazy a lot of it has been, how improbable. But we all suffer and we all triumph and we all get to choose how we hold both.”  ~ Demi Moore

75. Work has enhanced and certainly supported my feelings toward myself

"Work has enhanced and certainly supported my feelings toward myself, because it's been a reflection of goals I've set. But if you're not happy with yourself on the inside, then what does it matter?" ~ Demi Moore

76. I try to focus on the present

"I try to focus on the present, what I'm doing now. I feel like the best design I can have is an awareness of where I've come from so that I don't repeat myself. Luckily, my work provides me with a tremendous source of new opportunities." ~ Demi Moore

77. Success has to be an inside job

"Success has to be an inside job. Happiness does not come from external material things. Even people don't make us ultimately happy. It's how we choose to deal with those things that happen in our lives that matters." ~ Demi Moore

78. No matter how late it is

"No matter how late it is, when I get home, I take the time to clean and moisturize my face." ~ Demi Moore

79. I think of myself as still being about five

"I think of myself as still being about five." ~ Demi Moore

80. I’m honored if I can inspire somebody else

"I’m honored if I can inspire somebody else." ~ Demi Moore

81. What if everything hadn’t happened to me

 “What if everything hadn’t happened to me but had happened for me? What I learned is that how we hold our experiences is everything.”  ~ Demi Moore

82. Like many people

"Like many people, I think I'm my own worst critic. And I think I take a lot out in an internally abusive way, looking at how I measure up, which usually was never enough. I never, never was as good as someone else." ~ Demi Moore

83. There's something about smoking a cigar

"There's something about smoking a cigar that feels like a celebration. It's like a fine wine. There's a quality, a workmanship, a passion that goes into the smoking of a fine cigar." ~ Demi Moore

84. The thing is most people are afraid to step out

"The thing is most people are afraid to step out, to take a chance beyond their established identity." ~ Demi Moore

85. You could either be trapped

"You could either be trapped by what was going on around you, or you could find a way out. I think that everything, even if it is scary or good, comes into our life to help elevate and expand us as human beings." ~ Demi Moore

86. There is no way to reach your fullest potential

"There is no way to reach your fullest potential if you don't really find the love of yourself." ~ Demi Moore

87. Not caring more about what other people think

"Not caring more about what other people think than what you think. That's freedom." ~ Demi Moore

88. I know I have an eccentric

"I know I have an eccentric, obsessive-compulsive side." ~ Demi Moore

89. It is with great sadness

"It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I have decided to end my six-year marriage to Ashton. As a woman, a mother and a wife there are certain values and vows that I hold sacred, and it is in this spirit that I have chosen to move forward with my life." ~ Demi Moore

90. Time is an amazing equalizer

"Time is an amazing equalizer. I think if you stay true to yourself and keep moving forward, things come around." ~ Demi Moore

91. I just don't like the idea of having an operation

"I just don't like the idea of having an operation to hold up the ageing process." ~ Demi Moore

92. Marriage was a goal

"Marriage was a goal. A family, for me as a young girl, was my image of what I hoped for. It was part of the big picture." ~ Demi Moore

93. I had worked my whole life

"I had worked my whole life. Until I became a mother, that's the only way I measured my value." ~ Demi Moore

94. I had an essence in my life

"I had an essence in my life that I was nothing." ~ Demi Moore

95. It really isn't anybody's business

"It really isn't anybody's business how many people we have working for us. What's offensive is that I'm portrayed as this prima donna with these sycophants telling me how great I am all the time. Yes, they do work for me, but we're working together for a higher good." ~ Demi Moore

96. Being an actress in Hollywood

"Being an actress in Hollywood and being a celebrity tend to feed into one another, but just being a celebrity wouldn't really be interesting to me." ~ Demi Moore

97. Marriage is one of the most difficult things

"Marriage is one of the most difficult things in the world and unfortunately sometimes they fail." ~ Demi Moore

98. I feel sexy because I feel loved

"I feel sexy because I feel loved. That's what sexy is-it's feeling good from the inside. When you feel sexy or sensuous, you naturally want to open up and give, and I think that comes from being able to receive love and desire." ~ Demi Moore

99. When I'm at the greatest odds with my body

"When I'm at the greatest odds with my body, it's usually because I feel my body's betraying me, whether that's been in the past, struggling with my weight and feeling that I couldn't eat what I wanted to eat, or that I couldn't get my body to do what I wanted it to do." ~ Demi Moore

100. I have had a love-hate relationship with my body

"I have had a love-hate relationship with my body." ~ Demi Moore

101. In my personal life I wasn't someone who cried easily

"In my personal life I wasn't someone who cried easily, someone who was extremely vulnerable, you know, in that way that's constantly seeking out affirmation from other people. I've always been much more the person who took care of everyone else." ~ Demi Moore

Here I shared the top 101 quotes of Demi Moore, I hope you liked the above quotes. If you have more question let me know in the comments below.

Published by: Global News Land Updated: Aug 21, 2024, 10:34am
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