Looking for some inspiring and motivational quotes by Ferdinand Berthier, but not getting any don't worry here I am going to share all the quotes by Ferdinand Berthier.
Let's introduce you to Ferdinand Berthier, a remarkable advocate for the deaf and a strong supporter of their rights. His words aren't just fancy phrases; they're practical wisdom that still rings true today.
Berthier played a big part in making sign language an important way for deaf folks to communicate. His ideas remind us to respect differences, value unique languages, and understand the world through the eyes of the deaf community.
So, get ready to be inspired by these insightful sayings from Ferdinand Berthier.
1. "The deaf person the most accustomed to live with deaf mutes will but understand us imperfectly; and if he is honest, he will frankly admit the undeniable superiority of his deaf colleague."
2. "The hearing person can never completely understand the deaf person, and vice versa. This is because deafness is not simply a lack of hearing, but a different way of perceiving the world."
3. "Sign language is not a poor substitute for speech, but a rich and expressive language in its own right."
4. "The deaf person should be proud of his deafness and his language. He should not try to become a hearing person, but should strive to become the best deaf person he can be."
5. "The future of the deaf community depends on our ability to preserve and promote sign language."
6. "It is not enough to teach deaf people how to speak and write the language of the hearing. We must also teach them how to think and feel in their own language."
These are the top famous quotes of Ferdinand Berthier, I hope you enjoyed all these quotes.