Important info about the event

Here are all the important info about Revive Your Carpets: A Professional Cleaning Event in Freehold NJ.

Event Category:Online Event
Event Type:Home and Office
Starting Date:Jan 16, 2023 (Mon)
Last Date:Jan 16, 2023 (Mon)
Event Status:Expired
Organized By:PowerPro Carpet Cleaning Of NJ
Venue:PowerPro Carpet Cleaning of NJ
Event Add:345 Highway 9 South, Unit 312 Manalapan Township NJ 07726
State:New Jersey
Country:United States
Event link:

Revive Your Carpets: A Professional Cleaning Event in Freehold NJ

Revive Your Carpets: A Professional Cleaning Event in Freehold NJ

"Revive Your Carpets: A Professional Cleaning Webinar" is an online event that will provide valuable information and tips for keeping carpets clean and looking like new. The webinar will be led by professional carpet cleaning experts who will share their knowledge and experience on the best practices for cleaning carpets and removing stains.

Attendees will learn about the different types of carpet fibers and the most effective cleaning methods for each. They will also discover the best tools and products to use for spot cleaning and deep cleaning. Additionally, the webinar will cover how to maintain and prolong the life of carpets, and what to look for when hiring a professional cleaning service.

The webinar will be interactive and attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and get personalized advice from the experts. It will be a great opportunity for those who are looking to improve the appearance of their carpets, whether they are in a home or business setting.

Those who are interested in attending should register in advance to receive the link to the webinar. This online event is a great chance to learn how to take care of your carpets and keep them looking great, all from the comfort of your own home.

FAQs about Event

Let's now talk about some of the most frequently asked questions about Event. These questions are based on need of users.

FAQs about Event

What is the starting date of the event?

Event will start from Jan 16, 2023.

What is the last date of the event?

Event will end on Jan 16, 2023.

What is the address of the event?

345 Highway 9 South, Unit 312 Manalapan Township NJ 07726.

What is the event website?

You can check out more info about the event at

Event organizing country?

United States.

State Name of the event organizer?

New Jersey.

What is the area pin code of the event?

Area pin code for the event is 07726 .

Here you will find all the useful info about . If you think something is missing then let us know

Disclaimer: Most of the events are self-listed by users, and their physical addresses are not verified by our team, so before visiting any event or joining online, must cross-verify the company or individual's details.

Published by: Peter Oli Updated: Jan 01, 2024, 10:15am
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