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AHZ, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Find all the details about AHZ, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh Like Reviews, Address, Contact Details & more

AHZ, Dhaka

Floor-3, House-30, Sonargaon Janapath, Dhaka 1230

Business Type: Agency

AHZ contact details

Here you can get the Reviews, Address, Contacts Details and more about AHZ.

Contact Person: Zahirul Islam
Business Name: AHZ Uttara Dhaka
Business Legal Name: AHZ
Business Type: NA
Mobile: +880195804942
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Important details about AHZ, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Business Type: Agency
Type of Business: Study Consulting Service Providers
Business Name: AHZ Uttara Dhaka
No of Employees: 100
Establishment Year: 2012
Address: Floor-3, House-30, Sonargaon Janapath, Dhaka 1230
City Name: Dhaka
State Name: Dhaka
Country Name: Bangladesh
Zip Code: 1230

About AHZ

AHZ is a well-known education consultancy firm in Dhaka that is located in the United Kingdom and is known for its dynamism and energy. Helping international students get their higher education careers off the ground in the UK is AHZ’ core mission, with the overarching goal of reaching a higher level of professional education.

We have more than 140 agreements with prestigious UK Universities, and each of the skilled members of our UK-graduated experts is ready to support you in your journey at any of our offices located across the globe. From assisting you in selecting the most appropriate programme and university for you to assisting you in adjusting to your inaugural day at your new university, and everything in between, it is our mission to provide international students with a variety of services that are personalised to meet the specific requirements of each student.

FAQs about AHZ

Let's now talk about some of the most frequently asked questions about AHZ. These questions are based on need of users.

If you have more questions about the business then let us know.

FAQs about AHZ

What is the address of AHZ?

You can visit the AHZ at Floor-3, House-30, Sonargaon Janapath, Dhaka 1230.

What is the mobile number of AHZ?

You can contact them on +880195804942.

What is the email of AHZ?

You can mail them at

What is the area pin code of AHZ?

Area pin code for AHZ is 1230 .

When was AHZ started?

It was started in 2012.

Is there any website of AHZ?

You can visit them at

Here you will find all the useful info about AHZ. If you think something is missing then let us know

Disclaimer: Most of the businesses are self-listed by users, and their physical addresses are not verified by our team, so before using any service, must cross-verify the business details. It is your responsibility to verify the user or listed company details.

Published by: AHZ Uttara Dhaka Updated: Feb 10, 2024, 11:24am

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