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Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist Pune, Maharashtra, India [ Reviews, Contacts Details and more ]

Find out all about Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist Pune which you can visit in Pune at Dr. D. Y. Patil Hospital & Research Centre, Sant Tukaram Nagar,Pune .

Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist, Pune

Dr. D. Y. Patil Hospital & Research Centre, Sant Tukaram Nagar,Pune

Business Type: Hospital

Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist contact details

Here you can get the Reviews, Address, Contacts Details and more about Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist.

Contact Person: Dr Manoj Dongare
Business Name: Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist In Pune
Business Legal Name: Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist
Business Type: Private Limited Company
Mobile: 09881379573
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Important details about Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist, Pune (Maharashtra)

Business Type: Hospital
Type of Business: Private Hospitals
Business Name: Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist In Pune
No of Employees: 50
Establishment Year: 2006
Address: Dr. D. Y. Patil Hospital & Research Centre, Sant Tukaram Nagar,Pune
Landmark: Near Pimpri Colony
City Name: Pune
State Name: Maharashtra
Country Name: India
Zip Code: 411018

About Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist

Dr. Manoj Dongare is one of the best

FAQs about Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist

Let's now talk about some of the most frequently asked questions about Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist. These questions are based on need of users.

If you have more questions about the business then let us know.

FAQs about Dr. Manoj Dongare    Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist

What is the address of Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist?

You can visit the Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist at Dr. D. Y. Patil Hospital & Research Centre, Sant Tukaram Nagar,Pune .

What is the mobile number of Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist?

You can contact them on 09881379573.

What is the email of Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist?

You can mail them at

What is the near by place to Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist?

Landmark of Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist is Near Pimpri Colony.

What is the area pin code of Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist?

Area pin code for Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist is 411018 .

When was Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist started?

It was started in 2006.

Is there any website of Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist?

You can visit them at

Here you will find all the useful info about Dr. Manoj Dongare Liver Transplant Surgeon & Liver Specialist. If you think something is missing then let us know

Disclaimer: Most of the businesses are self-listed by users, and their physical addresses are not verified by our team, so before using any service, must cross-verify the business details. It is your responsibility to verify the user or listed company details.

Published by: Dr. Manoj Dongare Updated: Dec 16, 2022, 6:24pm

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