Find all the details about Sturz & Abby Pediatric Dentistry And Orthodontics, Bakersfield, United States Like Reviews, Address, Contact Details & more
9860 Brimhall Rd Unit 100, Bakersfield, CA 93312, United States
Business Type: Clinic
Here you can get the Reviews, Address, Contacts Details and more about Sturz & Abby Pediatric Dentistry And Orthodontics.
Contact Person: | Sturz & Abby Pediatric Dentistry |
Business Name: | Sturz & Abby Pediatric Dentistry And Orthodontics |
Business Legal Name: | Sturz & Abby Pediatric Dentistry And Orthodontics |
Business Type: | NA |
Mobile: | +16615882525 |
Email: | |
Website: | |
Business Type: | Clinic |
Type of Business: | Dental Care Clinics |
Business Name: | Sturz & Abby Pediatric Dentistry And Orthodontics |
No of Employees: | 17 |
Establishment Year: | 2015 |
Address: | 9860 Brimhall Rd Unit 100, Bakersfield, CA 93312, United States |
City Name: | Bakersfield |
State Name: | |
Country Name: | United States |
Zip Code: | 93312 |
Dr. Kurt Sturz founded Sturz Pediatric Dentistry in 2006, aiming to provide a safe environment for children's dental care in Kern County. In 2009, his dental school roommate, Dr. Chad Abby, joined the practice, sharing the same vision for pediatric dentistry. The practice outgrew its initial office in 2011 and relocated to Brimhall and Calloway. In 2015, it became Sturz & Abby Pediatric Dentistry And Orthodontics. To enhance patient care, Dr. Sturz and Dr. Abby integrated orthodontic services and welcomed Dr. Kenny Ricks, whose treatment philosophy aligns with their vision. This collaboration ensures a comprehensive experience in pediatric dentistry and orthodontics for their patients
Let's now talk about some of the most frequently asked questions about Sturz & Abby Pediatric Dentistry And Orthodontics. These questions are based on need of users.
If you have more questions about the business then let us know.
You can visit the Sturz & Abby Pediatric Dentistry And Orthodontics at 9860 Brimhall Rd Unit 100, Bakersfield, CA 93312, United States.
You can contact them on +16615882525.
You can mail them at
Area pin code for Sturz & Abby Pediatric Dentistry And Orthodontics is 93312 .
It was started in 2015.
You can visit them at
Here you will find all the useful info about Sturz & Abby Pediatric Dentistry And Orthodontics. If you think something is missing then let us know
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